Price Matching Policy
When you make a purchase, you are agreeing to that price at that point in time. In the event that the market price decreases soon after your purchase, or we happen to decrease our price, we DO NOT price-match your purchase after the fact.
We do our best to keep prices competitive, but the trading card market is volatile and market prices can change very quickly. Reasonable offers will be considered upon request, but we do not guarantee that we can match other retailers. Contact us on Chat or Send an email to with the following information:
- Provide a link to a competitor's website showing their current price. We will not consider matching any prices on Amazon, Ebay, Facebook, Kijiji, etc.
- Ads for brick and mortar stores need to have the same deal available to purchase from their website.
- Competitor's product must be IN STOCK and currently available to purchase.
- Competitor must be located in Canada, and selling in Canadian dollars.
If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at